River in Canyon

River in Canyon
River in Canyon

Poem by Coyote @CoyoteSing

down a dirt road
I barely remember
how deep I must go
into this canyon
to find the river

Poem shared courtesy
of @CoyoteSing

Friday, January 2, 2015

Household #22 - Seventh Person - I. M. GILBERT

The seventh and last person listed in the boarding house at #22 is J. M. Gilbert or I. M. Gilbert (depending on the interpretation of the census entry & different listings for indexing the census).  He presented the biggest obstacles & brick walls - resulting in very little information.  

I. M. Gilbert or J. M. Gilbert

1910 Federal Census; Colorado; Montrose County; River Portal;
E.D. 111; Precinct 17; April 27; 22/22; DCH

Gilbert, I. M. Partner M W 23 S
                                        Colorado Ohio Iowa
                                                           Engineer Stationary Engine

Household #22 - Sixth Person - Watson BLIGHT

The sixth person listed in the boarding house at #22 is Watson Blight.

Watson Thornton Blight

1900 Federal Census; Colorado; Arapahoe County; Precinct 9;
Denver City; E.D. 47; June 9; 4236 Wessil ??; 294/295; DCH

Blight, Joseph Head W M March 1850 50 M 20
                                       England England England 1871 29 Na
           , Mary J. Wife W F May 1847 53 M 20 5/2
                                       England England England
           , Richard P. Son W M Oct 1881 18 S
                                       Colorado England England
           , Watson P. Son W M Aug 1887 12 S
                                       Colorado England England
1910 Federal Census; Colorado; Montrose County; River Portal;
Precinct 17; E.D. 111; April 27; 22/22; DCH

Blight, Watson F. Partner M W 23 S
                                            Colorado England England
                                                         Time Keeper U.S. Reclamation Service
1920 Federal Census; Colorado; Denver County;
Denver City; E.D. 16; 3629 West 33 Ave.; 35/49; DCH

Blight, Watson Head M W 33 M
                                     Colorado England England
                                                 Hydrographer State
          , Zilla Wife F W 29 M
                                     Colorado Vermont Canada
          , Aileen Daughter F W 6 S
                                     Colorado Colorado Colorado
          , Edith Daughter F W 2 7/12 S
                                     Colorado Colorado Colorado
1930 Federal Census; Colorado; Weld County; Greeley City;
Ward 3; E.D. 103; April 7; 1929 Tenth Avenue; 103/110; DCH

Blight, Watson T. Head M W 43 M 22
                                          Colorado England England
                                                         ???? Engineer Irrigation
          , Zilla M. Wife F W 39 M 19
                                          Colorado Vermont Canada
          , Eileen M. Daughter F W 16 S
                                          Colorado Colorado Colorado
          , Edith L. Daughter F W 12 S
                                          Colorado Colorado Colorado
World War I Civilian Draft Registration:

Name in Full: Watson Thornton Blight
Home Address: 725 ?? N. 5th ??
Montrose, Colo
Date of Birth: August 27, 1886
Natural Born Citizen
Present Occupation: Junior Clerk
By Whom Employed: U S R S
Dependents: Wife Child 4 yrs
No Previous Military Service
No Exemptions Claimed
Medium Build
Gray Eyes
Brown Hair
June 5 ???
Signature: Watson T. Blight
Social Security Death Index:

Name: Zilla Blight
SSN: 522-66-1375
Last Residence: 80033 Wheat Ridge, Jefferson, Colorado, United States of America
Born: 19 Oct 1890
Died: Mar 1976
State (Year) SSN issued: Colorado (1963)

Household #22 - Fifth Person - Albert MOSER

The fifth person in the boarding house at #22 is Albert Moser.

Albert L. B. Moser

1910 Federal Census; Colorado; Montrose County; River Portal;
E.D. 111; Precinct 17; April 27; 22/22; DCH

Moser, Albert L. B. Partner M W 25 S
                                          Colorado Switz-German Switz-German
                                                       Civil Engineer U. S. Reclamation Service
1920 Federal Census; Colorado; Denver County;
Denver City; E.D. 178; January 10; 1125 27th St.; 57/69; DCH

Moser, Kate B. Head F W 59 W 1868 Na 1880
                                        Germany Germany Germany
           , Albert L. B. Son M W 36 S
                                        Colorado Germany Switzerland
                                                       Civil Engineer Contractor

(NOTE: Living next door to Arthur Moser - Kate's son, Albert's brother)
1930 Federal Census; Colorado; Denver County;
Denver City; District N; Block No. 4050;
E.D. 111; April 4; 2732 Race Street; 68/68; DCH

Moser, L. B. Head M W 47 M 41
                                        Colorado Switzerland Germany
                                                         Engineer Civil
           , Eva Wife F W 25 M 18
                                        Colorado Pennsylvania Kansas
           , Leo Son M W 6 S
                                        Colorado Colorado Colorado
           , Clifford Son M W 5 S
                                        Colorado Colorado Colorado
           , John Son M W 2 ?/12 S
                                        Colorado Colorado Colorado
World War I Draft Registration Card Info:

Serial Number: 1964
Name: Albert Lee Moser
Address: Livermore??? Larimer, Colo
Age in Years: 35
Date of Birth: April 6, 1883
Native Born Citizen
Present Occupation: Ranchman
Employer's Name: Mrs ?? K. B. Moser
Place of Employment or Business: Livermore??? Larimer, Colo
Nearest Relative: K. B. Moser
Address: Livermore??? Larimer, Colo
Medium Height
Medium Build
Blue Eyes
Darker ? Hair
September 12, 1918
Signature: A L B Moser

Household #22 - Fourth Person - Charles CHAMBERS

The fourth person in the boarding house at #22 is Charles Chambers.

1880 Federal Census; Kansas; Crawford County;
Osage Township; E.D. 58; June 1; 17/17; DCH

Chambers, C. M. W M 29 M
                                        Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
                , M. A. W F 25 Wife M
                                        Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
                , C. F. W M 5 Son S
                                        Kansas Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
                , D. A. W F 4 Daughter S
                                         Kansas Pennsyvlania Pennsylvania
                , L. K. W F 2/12 (2) Daughter S
                                         Kansas Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
1910 Federal Census; Colorado; Montrose County; E.D. 111;
River Portal; April 27; Precinct 17; 22/22; DCH

Chambers, Charles F. Partner M W 33 S
                                                Kansas Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
                                                             Machinist U.S. Reclamation Service
1930 Federal Census; Colorado; Hinsdale County; Lake City Town;
E.D. 1; April 16; Bluff Street; 137/81; DCH

(NOTE: Side comment appears to say "That part of town known as Cosco" or "Casco")

Chambers, Charlie F. Head M W 55 M 48
                                                       Kansas Pennsylvania Illinois
                                                                    Machine Man Quartz Mine
                 , Martha A. Wife F W 45 M 18
                                                       Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee
                 , Sunny June Daughter F W 2 10/12 S
                                                       Colorado Kansas Tennessee

Not positive that these are absolutely correct but seem to be matches.

Household #22 - Third Person - Frank GRAHAM

The third person living in the boarding house at #22 is Frank Graham.

1880 Federal Census; Iowa; Monona County; Onawa City;
E.D. 154; June 3; 27/28; DCH

Graham, Lou W M 31 M Laborer
                                       Wisconsin ? Missouri
             , Addie W F 30 M
                                       Wisconsin Canada Illinois
             , Frankie W M 8 S
                                        Iowa Wisconsin Wisconsin
             , James W M 6 S
                                        Iowa Wisconsin Wisconsin
1910 Federal Census; Colorado; Montrose County; River Portal;
E.D. 111; Precinct 17; April 27; 22/22; DCH

Graham, Frank H. Partner M W 38 S
                                            Iowa Wisconsin Wisconsin
                                                        Boiler Worker U. S. Reclamation Service
Appears to be enumerated twice - in two different counties a distance apart. Train trip visit? Listed in family though not living there? Confusing.

1910 Federal Census; Colorado; Prowers County; Lamar; Precint 4;
E.D. 136; April 25-26; 108 E Elm; 219/226; DCH

Graham, W. A. Head M W 61 M1 40
                                       Wisconsin Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
                                                        Contractor Ditch
             , Addie Wife F W 50 M1 40 5/4
                                       Wisconsin Canada (French) United States
             , F. H. Son M W 38 S
                                       Iowa Wisconsin Wisconsin
                                                        Miner Gold
             , Charles A. Son M W 28 S
                                       Iowa Wisconsin Wisconsin
             , Mary E. Daughter F W 26 S
                                       Iowa Wisconsin Wisconsin
                                                        Teacher School
             , Eva L. Daughter F W 20 S
                                       Colorado Wisconsin Wisconsin
(NOTE: In 1900 family located in Baca County, Colorado. Frank not listed with family.)

Household #22 - Second Person - James O. WINNETT

The second person listed in the boarding house at #22 is James O. Winnet.

James O. Winnett

1910 Federal Census; Colorado; Montrose County; River Portal;
E.D. 111; April 27; 22/22; (Boarding House); DCH

Winnett, James O. Partner M W 33 S
                                             Washington Iowa Pennsylvania
                                                             Car Repairer U. S. Reclamation Service
1930 Federal Census; Colorado; Mesa County;
Redlands Mesa Precinct 25; E.D. 32;
Mesa County Almshouse; April 9; Line 17; DCH

Winnett, James O. Inmate M W 60 S
                                           Washington Pennsylvania Ohio
Found on Washington Territorial Censuses - 1857-1892 -
Columbia County - Son of William & Hannah Winnett -

Difficult to Read

Household #22 - First Person - Lochie MC GILLIS

Household #22 is a "boarding house" environment where several people are "bunking" together.  I'm going to post each individual separately. 

The first one listed is Lochie McGillis:

1900 Federal Census; Minnesota; St. Louis County;
Duluth; 3rd Precinct; Ward 3; E.D. 266; 7-8 June;
229 West 5th Street; 115/153; DCH

McGillis, Mary Head W F Apr 1834 66 Wd 13/7
                                        Canada Canada Canada 1890 9
               , Daniel Son W M July 1868 31 S
                                        Canada Canada Canada 1888 11 Na
               , Lochie Son W M Aug 1869 30 S
                                        Canada Canada Canada 1890 9
                                                        Fireman RR
               , Saidie (?) Daughter W F June 1878 21 S
                                        Canada Canada Canada
Smith, Howard Grand Son W M Jan 1889 11 S
                                        Ohio Canada Canada
           , Henrietta Grand Daughter W F Jan 1889 11 S
                                        Ohio Canada Canada
1910 Federal Census; Colorado; Montrose County;
Precinct 17; River Portal; E.D. 111; 22/22; DCH (Boarding House)

McGillis, Lochie D. Head M W 39 S
                                            Canada Canada Canada 1890 Na
                                                         Fireman Stationary Engine


Household #21 - Luella LACHER

This is the last of those I refer to as "family dwellings".  The rest of the dwellings in River Portal are boarding houses and those will be much more difficult for me to share research on.  I'm not sure yet how I'm going to do that - but I'm definitely going to tackle the challenge! 

This last one isn't really a "family".  It's one single lady - a school teacher.  I was able to find her with her family before she moved to River Portal.  While researching I noted that her sister Olga had married someone in Montrose so it's possible that the family was in that area.  I surmise that the reason I haven't found anything further on Luella / Lulu was that she probably married and not knowing who her spouse was I hit a brick wall.  I have very little to offer on her.  I hope someone comes across this information and can fill in some blanks.  As we sit here now it's hard to imagine that there was once a schoolhouse here -- and my grandpa and his sister attended it.  Luella was likely their teacher. 

1900 Federal Census; Colorado; Arapahoe County;
First Precinct; E.D. 1; Denver; June 8; 155/184; DCH

Lacher, Martin Head W M Oct 1860 39 M17
                                    Germany Germany Germany 1880 20 Na?
                                               Printing Compositor?
           , Hellen Wife W F Mar 1865 35 M17 3/2
                                    Germany Germany Germany 1881 19
           , Olga Daughter W F Dec 1883 16 S
                                    Minnesota Germany Germany
           , Lulu Daughter W F Jan 1888 12 S
                                     Illinois Germany Germany
1910 Federal Census; Colorado; Montrose County;
Precinct 17; River Portal; E.D. 111; April 27; 21/21; DCH

Lacher, Luella Head F W 22 S
                                     Colorado Germany Germany
                                                        Teacher Public School

Household #20 - Thomas DOUGHERTY

Ahhh...now we come to the core of the Dougherty family!  The patriarch!  Thomas Dougherty! 

Thomas and children occupied at least 5 of the 21 "family dwelling" households in River Portal on the 1910 census.  Wow!  Seems like they turned this "company town" into their "family town" in a way.  I think it's awesome!  It may be that there are yet to be discovered connections between this family and other River Portal families.  At first glance I didn't realize the connections.  Research led to the wonderful discoveries.  I love that about genealogy! 

1850 Federal Census; Virginia; Ritchie County;
Western District; September 9; 503/503; DCH

Daniel Daugherty 45 M Blacksmith Ireland
Agnes          “        36 F New York
Joseph H.    “          7 M Pennsylvania
Thomas H.   “          2 M Virginia
Elizabeth Humphrey 22 F New York

(NOTE: Possible that Nancy's maiden name was Humphrey)
1860 Federal Census; Virginia; Pleasants County;
District No 2; June 14; 117/117; DCH

Daniel Daugherty 57 M W Blacksmith Ireland
Nancy        “         50 F W New York
Joseph H.   “         17 M W Pennsylvania
Thomas H. “          12 M W Virginia
William L. “            8 M W Virginia
1870 Federal Census; Kansas; Osage County;
Valley Brook Township; August 1; 116/165; DCH

Thomas H. Dougherty 22 M W Farmer Virginia
Jane Dougherty 21 F W Housekeeper Ireland
Agnes Dougherty 6/12 F W January
1875 Kansas State Census; Morris County, Valley Township

Thomas Daugherty 25 M W Sawyer Virginia Virginia
Jane             “         25 F W Ireland
M. A.           “           5 F W Kansas
G. T.            “       9/12 M W Kansas
1885 Colorado State Census; Montrose County;
District 1; 60/111 & 62/114; DCH

Daugherty, Thos W M 36 S (sic) Engineer
                                      Virginia Virginia Virginia

(NOTE: For some reason not listed together with rest of family who are a couple of households away. Perhaps visiting?)

Daugherty, Mary W F 30 Wife M
                                    Ireland Ireland Ireland
                , Mary W F 14 Daughter S
                                    Kansas Ireland Ireland
                , George W M 9 Son S
                                   Kansas Ireland Ireland
                , Baby W M 4 Son S
                                   Kansas Ireland Ireland
                , Edward W M 1 Son S
                                   Colorado Ireland Ireland

(NOTE:  Judging by other census info, Jane must have been "Mary Jane" and Agnes must have been "Mary Agnes".  "Baby" on this census had to have been Arthur.)
1900 Federal Census; Colorado; Montrose County;
Precinct 11; E.D. 78; June 13; 314/314; DCH

Dougherty, Thomas H. Head W M May 1848 52 M 30
                                               West Virginia Ireland Pennsylvania
                 , Jane Wife W F Jany 1849 51 M 30 10/7
                                               Ireland Ireland Ireland
                 , George Son W M Sept 1874 25 S
                                               Kansas West Virginia Ireland
                 , Arthur Son W M Mch 1879 21 S
                                               Kansas West Virginia Ireland
                 , Edward (sic) Daughter W F Aug 1884 15 S
                                               Kansas West Virginia Ireland
                 , Ellen Daughter W F Apr 1886 14 S
                                               Kansas West Virginia Ireland
                 , Bessie Daughter W F Dec 1887 12 S
                                                Kansas West Virginia Ireland
                 , Hattie Daughter W F Jany 1890 9 S
                                                Kansas West Virginia Ireland

(NOTE:  This particular census record was difficult for me to find & was the most important as it proved my working theory that these children all belonged to Thomas.)
1910 Federal Census; Colorado; Montrose County;
Precinct 17; River Portal; E.D. 111; April 27; 20/20; DCH

Dougherty, Thomas H. Head M W 61 Wd
                                              Virginia Ireland New York
                                                          Laborer Odd Jobs
                 , Bessie Daughter F W 22 S
                                              Colorado Virginia Ireland
                 , Hattie Daughter F W 19 S
                                              Colorado Virginia Ireland
Thomas Dougherty (sometimes spelled Daugherty or Doherty) enlisted in Co. D of the 6 West Virginia Infantry out of Ritchie County, West Virginia during the Civil War.  For those not familiar with the history of West Virginia - it was originally part of Virginia and several counties seceded in 1861 (the year that the Civil War began).  West Virginia was granted statehood in 1863.  Thomas was born in Virginia before West Virginia became a state. 

Cemetery Records:

Cedar Cemetery; Montrose; Montrose County; Colorado

Dougherty, Thomas H. No Dates Co. D, 6 West Virginia Inf.;
City Records: Buried Section K, Block 37,
Lot 6 or 8, NE 1/4

Dougherty, Jane 1849 - 1907 "Mother"
City Records: Buried Section K, Block 37,
Lot 7, NE 1/4

(NOTE:  Pictures of headstones of various family members including Thomas & Jane are on www.findagrave.com – Cedar Cemetery – Montrose, Montrose County, Colorado. Information on that site lists Jane’s maiden name as McSherry.)
Son Edward living in Montrose - with inlaws. Married to Ethel Beatty
NOTE:  Would LOVE to know more about "Jane" from Ireland! 

So...Patriarch Thomas Dougherty & two of his daughters (Hattie & Bessie) are found in household #20.  Son George is in household #9,  Daughter Agnes is with her husband Frank Dawson in household #15.  Son Arthur is in household #18.  Daughter Ellen is with her husband William Wesley Williams in household #19.  These are among the closest households to my own Mason family who are found in household #17. 

Wouldn't I just love to find a connection between the Dougherty family and my Mason family!  It must have been comfortable for them to have other Irish blood around them - and they had that in Jane's children.

Household #19 - Wesley & Ellen (DOUGHERTY) WILLIAMS

I was really excited to discover more information about Wesley & his family!  Little did I know that I would stumble upon yet another connection to the Dougherty family in River Portal!  As I mentioned before, 5 of the 21 "family dwelling" households in River Portal are connected.  They're all part of one Dougherty family.  It truly amazes me that there were so many of one family in that tiny little place!  Although I can't 100% confirm my findings - the preponderance of evidence is definitely in my favor.

1880 Federal Census; Missouri; Bates County;
Hudson Township; E.D. 163; June 16; 133/142; DCH

English, Stephen W M 49 Farmer
                                       Ohio Virginia Kentucky
            , Nancy W F 43 Wife M Keeping House
                                       Ohio Ohio Ohio
Williams, Amy E. W F 18 Daughter M Assists in House
                                        Illinois Ohio Ohio
English, Benjamin W M 14 Son S
                                        Illinois Ohio Ohio
             , Eli M. W M 12 Son
                                        Illinois Ohio Ohio
             , Albert O. W M 9 Son
                                         Illinois Ohio Ohio
             , Edward W. W M 8 Son
                                          Illinois Ohio Ohio
             , Harvey W M 6 Son
                                          Illinois Ohio Ohio
             , Ida B. W F 4 S
                                          Illinois Ohio Ohio
Williams, William W. W M 6/12 Nov Grandson
                                           Missouri Ohio Illinois
1885 Colorado State Census; Gunnison County;
E.D. 3; 154/154; DCH

Williams, F. P. W M 32 M Ranchman
                                        Ohio Ohio Ohio
               , Amy W F 22 Wife M Keeps House
                                        Illinois Ohio Indiana
               , Wesley W M 5 Son S
                                        Missouri Ohio Illinois
               , Walter W M 3 Son S
                                        Colorado Ohio Illinois
               , Bessie W F 2 Daughter S
                                        Colorado Ohio Illinois
1900 Federal Census; Colorado; Teller County; Victor Town;
Precinct 33; June 19; 123 ½ North Seventh Street; 435/442; DCH

Williams, Amie Head F W Apr 1862 38 Wd 21 4/2
                                           Illinois Ohio Ohio
               , William W. Son W M Nov 1879 20 S
                                            Missouri Ohio Illinois
               , Walter W. Son W M Aug 1881 18 S
                                            Colorado Ohio Illinois
                                                              Printers Trade
1910 Federal Census; Colorado; Montrose County; Precinct 17;
River Portal; E.D. 111; April 27; 19/19; DCH

Williams, Wesley Head M W 30 M2 / 1
                                          Missouri Ohio Illinois
                                                         Shift Boss Tunnel
               , Ellen Wife F W 24 M1 / 1
                                          Colorado Virginia Ireland

(NOTE: Strongly believe that wife Ellen was the daughter of Thomas Dougherty. He is living next door to Wesley & Ellen along with his daughters (Ellen’s sisters) Hattie & Bessie. Brothers George & Arthur are also living in separate households in River Portal and sister Mary Agnes is living with her husband Frank Dawson. The daughter of Frank & Mary Agnes (nee Dougherty) – Agnes Dougherty is living with Wesley & Ellen’s family on the 1930 census and she is listed as “niece”. Age of Ellen and birthplaces match. Marriage record would be great confirmation.)
1920 Federal Census; Colorado; San Miguel County;
Precinct 10; Vanadium; E.D. 161; January 18; 108/109; DCH

Williams, Wesley Head M W 40 M
                                           Missouri Ohio Ohio
                                                        Millman Vanadium Mill
               , Ellen Wife F W 33 M
                                           Colorado Virginia Ireland
               , Harris Son M W 8 S
                                           Colorado Missouri Colorado
               , Sarah Daughter F W 6 S
                                           Colorado Missouri Colorado
               , Woodrow Son M W 3 S
                                            Colorado Missouri Colorado
               , Charles Son M W 1/12 S
                                            Colorado Missouri Colorado
1930 Federal Census; Colorado; Montrose County;
Montrose Precinct; Montrose City; Precinct 1-2;
E.D. 43; April 12; 186/210; DCH

Williams, Wesley Head M W 49 M 27
                                            Missouri Missouri Missouri
                                                          Steam Shovel Operator R.R.
              , Ellen Wife F W 42 M 20
                                            Colorado Virginia Virginia
              , Harris Son M W 18 S
                                            Colorado Missouri Colorado
                                                          Farm Laborer
              , Sarah Daughter F W 17 S
                                            Colorado Missouri Colorado
                                                          Servant Private Family
              , Woodrow Son M W 13 S
                                            Colorado Missouri Colorado
              , Charles Son M W 10 S
                                            Colorado Missouri Colorado
              , James Son M W 8 S
                                            Colorado Missouri Colorado
Dawson, Agnes Niece F W 19 S
                                            Colorado Ohio Oklahoma
                                                         Servant Private Family
Appear to be enumerated twice - in two different counties. One time with kids and one time without. They may have left the children in the care of a family member. It’s possible that the niece listed – Agnes Dawson – was caring for the children in the absence of their parents while still naming them in the household. Despite a couple of inconsistencies I believe the families to be the same. Census information accuracy often depends on who provided the information.
1930 Federal Census; Colorado; Archuleta County; Precinct 8;
Pagosa Junction; E.D. 10; April 12; 33/35; DCH

Williams, Wesley Head M W 50 M 21
                                          Missouri Ohio Indiana
                                                      Fireman Railroad Ditcher
               , Ellen Wife F W 42 M 22
                                          Colorado Virginia Ireland
World War I Draft Card Info:

Serial Number: 22
Order Number: 470
Name: William Wesley Williams
Permanent Home Address: Vanadium, San Miguel, Colo.
Age in Years: 38
Date of Birth: November 25, 1879
Natural Born Citizen
Present Occupation: Shift Boss
Employer’s Name: Primas Chemical Co.
Place of Employment: Vanadium, San Miguel, Colo.
Nearest Relative: Ellen Williams
Vanadium, San Miguel, Colo.
Medium Height
Stout Build
Blue Eyes
Brown Hair
September 12, 1918
Signed: William Wesley Williams

(I can help with some of your mysteries. My grandmother was Frank and Agnes Dawson's daughter, Mary Ellen. The niece who lived with the Williams family was her sister, Agnes. She lived with them after both parents, Frank and Agnes, died within six months of each other. The other Dawsons were old enough to be on their own, but "Poor Little Agnes" was not and was quite petted and adored by the Williams family. I have stories from my grandmother about the tunnel and am so happy to find this site.  “Mom Gilmore”)